Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

Emma was still asleep here as you can see...Ra woke up and was then trying to wake her up!
"Loco Hot Coco"
I love this picture!
pic with Dad and Jax
family time!

Thanksgiving night, we always put up our tree and decorate it. The kids actually fell asleep around 6:30, they were so tired but we woke them back up! It is a tradition that we didn't want to pass up...LOL. We decorated the tree as a family and then had our "Loco Hot Coco"...sure was good!

Giving Thanks 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ryan Elyse turns 3!

opening gifts...thank you ALL!
Me and my Paw Paw
Cookie cake!
look at those feet...precious!
Me and Lanie playing in the halls

The Birthday Girl!
Look! It's Minnie!
the fam
so excited!
sisterly love...most days! LOL

Ok, so I have been trying to upload these pics for about 1 month now and blogger would not upload them...ugh!

Can't believe baby girl is 3!!! We welcomed her in the world on 11/06/06 at 10:47 am! She has grown into a little young lady with quite the personality! You are a MESS!

We celebrated her birthday at CLC and Minnie Mouse came all the way from Disney World to visit you! All of your friends were so excited! Happy Birthday Bousie and we love you very much! :) Sorry that I didn't post sooner!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Worn out!
our turn to be silly!
Kristi, Ashley, Kristi D., Cindy, Jennifer, Jessica & Brittany
at the hayride at the Burgess Party
CoCo & Emma
getting ready to go!
My beautiful Pumpkin Princess
trying to get all the kiddos = impossible!
Eliza & Ryan
Ganny as a baby! :)
My babies
Best Cousins
Jess, Britt & Jenn
refusing to pose for pics...
part of the our gang...we had about 25!

We had our normal gang with us plus a few! The kiddos had a great time, too bad it rained! After Trick-or-Treating we all headed up to the Burgess house for a partyyyy!
Happy Halloween to all!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sneak Peek...

of Halloween 2009...

Emma's Fall Party 2009

It was crazy sock day too...

3 amigos...Emma, Esme & Katy
M & Mrs. Benson

Today, I took a vacation day to run around and get last minute things for tomorrow night. I attended Emma's Fall Party at school and then got to distribute the PTO Fundraiser! Yahoooo! NOT! :) I picked up their pizza for their party so everyone liked me, LOL!

Pumpkin Carving 2009

Paw Paw came to visit!
the finished products
Daddy getting to work!
getting the guts out! ehhhh!
"Uh, I'm not too sure about this!"

Finding Nemo - On Ice

On October 21st we took the girls to Finding Nemo - Disney on Ice. It was so much fun! We ate at Mellow Mushroom before the show! Yum Yum!