Ok - I really didn't want to take a picture but I thought I would so I could put it in her baby book. God love her! We got to come back home on Thursday night - finally! Monday has felt like forever ago. Ra is doing much better but we still have to follow up early next week with her doctor. She was so glad to get her IV out and to be able to get up out of that bed. She did much better than what we expected her to do.....to be a 2 yr old (with terrible 2's) and to be stuck in a small room laying in a bed not moving much. All the nurses ate her up. Tuesday the nurse came in and said, "Ra Ra, it's time for your ma-ma (medicine), do you want Mommy to give it to you or me?" Ra first decided she wanted me to but then changed her mind. She said, "Mommy, hold my hand." Sonya the Nurse said "Can I hold your other hand?" Ra replied, "Nope, can't do it." We thought it was so funny and she has learned some new words during her stay. When they came in tonight to take her IV out she got up from the bed and started walking around - she almost fell! I guess she forgot how to walk :) I want to thank all of yall for all the calls, text messages and most importantly the prayers! Please keep praying so she can fully recover!
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