Saturday, February 21, 2009

A trip to Tellus

We loved that red tree! Neat huh?
Ra looking for her gems ~ yes, we were soaked!
Looking for dinosaur fossils
Dad helping
The girls with the helicopter
"Rexie" ~ just like the movie "Night at the Museum"
Sassy & Sweet ~ just like their Momma :)

Saturday afternoon we headed down to Cartersville to visit Tellus - the new Science Museum. They loved the big dinosaur bones & searching for fossils along with mining for gems. The kids had a blast! It was very interactive in some parts which reminded us of Creative Discovery. A fun family day!


Mrs. Scruggs said...

Well that is neat...I have not heard of that! My kids would love it--hank loves dinosaurs at this moment. Plus they would like to see Rexie...that is who our cat is named after! Looked fun. I guess we'll see you Saturday at Eliza's bday!

Misty D. said...

Jag has been asking to go down there... the 3rd grade took a field trip and apparently he heard how "cool" it was!
RA is getting to big!